Multicultural Student Council aims to bring people together

The UVU Multicultural Student Council is hosting its first open social event of the semester in the LA building room 114 Thursday Jan. 24th from 6-8 p.m. The social mirrors the popular first social of last semester and will feature board games, video games, and food.
The Multicultural Student Council aims to bring students closer together by fostering an atmosphere of sharing and interaction between as many different people as possible.
“No matter the race or age or ethnicity….we’re trying to bring people together and understand one another,” said Tiale Leatutufu, who plans activities for the council.
The MSC is also planning future diversity dialogs, which highlight issues like transgender awareness and modifications needed to current racketeer influenced and corrupt organization laws. They are also planning more events like the social, with a movie night planned in February featuring Crazy Rich Asians. Students don’t have to be of any ethnicity or culture to attend the club.
“We’re trying to promote as much knowledge as we can to keep it a safe space,” Tiale said.
Applications to be on the council next year are open and will close at the end of February. Students can to go the Center for Global & Intercultural Engagement in the LA building to learn more and apply, and the MSC can be found on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @uvumsc.