Learning is like getting a tattoo

People come from all over the world to visit Utah. Some for its natural surroundings, hiking, rock climbing, and some for the culture and aspects of a religion that dominate the area and its inhabitants. Professor David Scott, however, has come with the hope to challenge young minds and give “sheltered Utah County” a taste of the real world.

schedule 2 min read

People come from all over the world to visit Utah. Some for its natural surroundings, hiking, rock climbing, and some for the culture and aspects of a religion that dominate the area and its inhabitants.

Professor David Scott, however, has come with the hope to challenge young minds and give “sheltered Utah County” a taste of the real world. Scott, a native of England, is the newest chair of the Department of Communications. While his time at the university leans on less than six months, he has already managed to propose and set-up changes that will greatly influence the school and its students for years to come.

Q: Why UVU or Utah for that matter?

A: I wanted to come to a place where I felt my leadership skills would actually have an impact at the university. I also felt that my religion and media research interests would best be served here. Also, I felt I could offer a unique perspective to students who are from the valley and haven’t lived elsewhere–especially given that I’ve lived in Salt Lake City, the South and in New England. I am sensitive to the local culture, but I can also help students learn another perspective without being confrontational.

Q: Where were you at before?

A: University of South Carolina for seven years.

Q: What have been the main differences in teaching here and other universities?

A: The students here seem more respectful then those in New England, but about the same as those in the South. However, at UVU there is not a real university culture or camaraderie I find in other places. Students here often see their educational pursuits as a part-time job because they have other responsibilities in life. Elsewhere, college was 90 percent of a student’s life, so they were more involved on campus and with other students and faculty.

Q: What do you hope to accomplish in your time here?

A: I would like us to add an advertising major and eventually receive accreditation in our disciplines.

Q: Is there any sort of message you would like students, faculty and staff at UVU to know?

A: Learning is like getting a tattoo. It has to hurt a little, or it won’t last.

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