Team Rise wins 2014 UVUSA election

KresLynn Knouse, Assistant News Editor, @KresLynn
Candidates from Team Rise erupted in tears and embraced as all six representatives were announced as winners of the 2014 UVUSA election.
A record-breaking percentage of the student body participated in voting this year, with more than 15 percent of students casting ballots. There were 3,652 ballots cast, which signifies over 1,000 additional students voted this year when compared to last year’s election.
“I’m happy to see lots of students to come out to vote,” said previous student body president Jono Andrews. “I’m excited for this new chapter at UVU and I’m excited to see the fun things they bring to campus.”
Tyler Brklacich, student body president elect, demonstrated humility as he commended opponent Ryan Kent on a well-run campaign. Kent appeared optimistic about his future at UVU, ensuring he will do his best to stay involved on campus.
“I love UVU, so I will definitely continue to stay active on campus,” Kent said. “I wish Team Rise the best of luck as they have a lot of work ahead of them. I’m sure they’ll do great in their positions.”
Team Rise is already preparing to engage students in the unveiling of the Student Life and Wellness Center, scheduled to open to the public this April. Staying true to their initial platform of inclusivity, Rise plans to make the new center a place where all students can feel welcome.
Though there wasn’t a huge turnout for the announcement, the number of students who participated in this year’s election reflects the aggressive campaigns of current and past UVUSA teams.
“We had over 3,000 students vote this year, which in part came from Jono and team Ignite’s campaign to get students involved at UVU,” Brklacich said. “I want to thank everyone who helped us with our campaign as well as all the voters- we are extremely excited about this upcoming year.”