Herbert visits American Heritage class

schedule 3 min read

Jeanette Blain | News Editor | [email protected]
Photo credit: Collin Cooper | Photo Senior Staff | @coop.97


Gov. Gary Herbert spoke to a packed American Heritage class on campus  Nov. 6 about federalism and answered questions posed by students.

As chair of the National Governor’s Association, a bipartisan organization of the nation’s governors, he talked about his initiative and how it relates to the concept of federalism.

He said that there is a constant overreach of the Federal government into state affairs and that the people are part of the problem.

“We are asking Washington D.C. to do more than they ever were designed to do,” he said.

Herbert advocates for a limited role for the Federal government. He referenced Federalist No. 45, a document that was written by James Madison as part of the Federalist Papers in 1788.

In it Madison writes, “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the state governments are numerous and indefinite.”

We ask our representatives when they are elected, “What are you going to do for me if you’re elected?” Herbert said, “The answer should be more often, ‘Nothing’.”

After the governors speech students were able to ask their own questions.

Melanie, an American Heritage student, asked Gov. Herbert if he will continue to fight to keep defunding Planned Parenthood.

Herbert said that the $253,000 that is being withheld could be better spent by local health organizations. He said in light of the recent controversy this is a better way to spend the money.

Paul Chavez, who is part of the Young Americans for Liberty club on campus, asked about term limits and the petition to have Herbert debate his opponent Jonathan Johnson (R) at the UVU campus before the primaries.

As far as term limits, he said, “We have term limits. They’re called elections.”

The governor also pointed out that he is technically only in his first four-year term since the first two years that he was in the office were filling in for Jon Huntsman, who had left office early to become Ambassador to China under the Obama administration.

“I’m more than anxious, and certainly ready to debate our record, which is second to none,” Herbert said. “There will be a time for debates. The campaign is in 2016.”

In September, the Young Americans for Liberty club took to the halls of UVU to gather signatures on a petition calling for a debate between Gov. Gary Herbert and Jonathan Johnson to be held on campus.

Jon Gunnar Thorderson, the club’s president, said that overall the club is happy that the governor came to speak at the school, but unsatisfied that he has not yet agreed to the debate.

“Our goal is to open up the democratic process for this upcoming election. We want to see more engagement across the board,” Thorderson said. He said he will continue to push for a debate.

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