Health & Wellness Fair

Esme Anderson can be described as a very happy lady. As a nurse practioner at a local emergency care facility and at the UVU Health Center, she sees the frontline of illnesses both on and off campus. And even during this year’s flu season, she’s still smiling.
“I haven’t seen any cases of flu this year,” Anderson said.
Anderson participated in this year’s Health and Wellness Fair, where both information and services were offered to students and faculty. Flu shots for $10 were available and many people were vaccinated, something Anderson attributes the lack of flu cases too.
Students aren’t the only ones served by the fair though. Full-time staff members and their families were all offered free flu vaccines.
“We immunized the [men’s] basketball team and coaches,” Anderson said. “We’re really proud of the team.”
The Hall of Flags was lined with booths offering information about personal health, on all levels.
“We offer lots of different services that promote the six dimensions of health,” said Jessica Ungvichian, an employee of the Wellness Programs, which sponsored the fair.
The dimensions that they focus on are emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual and physical health, as well as nutrition. They offer services for each of these dimensions, like tutoring information and Math Lab hours for intellectual health, and free massage equipment. Free recipes that support healthy eating are available, among other services. To take advantage of these great aids, visit the Student Engagement Zone, across from the bookstore.
To promote well-being, UVU offers all employees of the school (full- and part-time) passes to the Orem Fitness Center, as well as their spouses and dependent children. The passes cost $50. There are also free yoga classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Zumba classes on Mondays and Wednesdays in SC 111.
In addition to flu vaccinations, the Health and Wellness Fair also provided information on diabetes detection such as free glucose testing. There was also information on promoting positive attitudes and body images.
“UVU provides excellent resources and care for student health,” said Jason Shaw, a junior. “They’ve taken great care of me, whether it’s a prescription or a sore throat. I still can’t believe how much is available to students. We don’t even realize.”
The Student Health Center is located in SC 221, just above the student government offices.