Get your car checked for free
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWith winter soon arriving, having a reliable car is pertinent to safe driving in Utah’s ever-changing climate.
UVSC’s automotive students are putting on a free car winterizing clinic, which will include checking cars to help students, faculty and people in the community to help know if their car is winter ready.
"The main purpose is to help the students so that they can check other students’s cars. As winter comes on, we want to check tire pressure, oil, anti-freeze, wiper blades–simple basic checks that are important to winter driving, so they can have information to get their cars fixed before something becomes a problem." said Todd Low, a UVSC automotive professor.
The main idea of this car clinic isn’t to fix cars, but more importantly to give information to students to help them become aware of something that might become a potential problem for winter driving.
The clinic will be offered on a first come first serve basis. When students arrive with their car, they will be put through a kind of drive thru, with four cars checked at a time.
Automotive students will check cars using a check list which attendees will also be able to keep. The student attending to each car will go over any problems they might see and give advice to where and or how it can be fixed. This process should only take about 10 to 15 minutes.
The car clinic will be held Nov. 15, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
in the Sparks Automotive Building on the east side of campus. For further questions, please contact Katreena Davis at (801) 863-7022.