Get Healthy

One of the biggest projects that the wellness program has adopted is the HealthQuest program. HealthQuest promotes lifestyle changes that will work differently for each individual lifestyle. The program runs for 10 to 12 weeks, or the participant can join in for specific sessions. Each session runs approximately 30 minutes to an hour and will include meeting with a health educator once a week and learning about weight management, exercise, stress and sleep management in addition to other topics.

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One of the biggest projects that the wellness program has adopted is the HealthQuest program. HealthQuest promotes lifestyle changes that will work differently for each individual lifestyle. The program runs for 10 to 12 weeks, or the participant can join in for specific sessions. Each session runs approximately 30 minutes to an hour and will include meeting with a health educator once a week and learning about weight management, exercise, stress and sleep management in addition to other topics.

The wellness program places emphasis on exercise, but many time-starved students find it difficult to fit working out into their schedules. For these, around campus a series of plaques demarcates the Wolverine mile, a one mile indoor path that can help get a student’s blood flowing between classes, work, or studying.

Because an important part of health is understanding, the student health center offers health risk appraisals. A full HRA costs $15, and an HRA limited only to lifestyle assessment costs $5. Applicants must complete a survey and 10 fitness tests. These are then complied to provide an in-depth fitness profile.

College students aren’t usually known for having healthy habits, so take a break from Top Ramen and partying and head over to the student health center to find out the toll donating plasma really takes on your body.
