UVU Review leads to internship

schedule 2 min read

Sorry teachers and advisors, but it’s true. Words and lectures are meaningless unless what is taught translates into the real-world. As the former Editor-in-Chief, I learned by getting my hands dirty and jumping in head-first.

I was recruited out of an english class by the sports editor a couple years ago and as I threw myself into writing, I found my passion. It was an experience that even the greatest orator could not inspire.

Joining the UVU Review staff is a decision that forever changed the trajectory of my career and lit the fire in me to do what I love. As I became immersed in sports writing, I moved into the position of assistant sports editor prior to applying for Editor-in-Chief. The connections and relationships that developed from my time at the Review have been invaluable.

In the fall, I started an internship writing for the Deseret News covering BYU football and a few UVU games along the way. This past semester I transitioned into covering anything sports related in Utah Valley. Writing for the Deseret News has given me the chance to find my voice as a sports writer and I have tallied 100,000 plus hits for my stories, giving my voice an even broader voice.

I will not devalue the classroom experience, but none of it matters if you don’t find what drives you and just take a chance and jump in and get messy. Making mistakes has been the greatest tool for improvement I have found. Taking the advice of editors and applying lessons learned out in the field has not only improved my skills but has taught me a lot about myself.

Having lived through the Clinton presidency, often the first thing that comes to mind when I hear about internships is Monica Lewinsky. Not a pleasant thought. But in reality, internships are the best way to get your foot in the door and eventually will give the the opportunity to kick it down and take control of your future.

The key to any internship is to take advantage of the experience, learn, make mistakes, get messy and have fun. If you enjoy what you do, it will show in your work and the sky is the limit.

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