A call to arms: Why voting really matters

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Since August, The Review has done a number of articles to see whom students were planning on voting for, if they were keeping up with the election and whether or not they were planning on voting. Unfortunately, most students were either unaware or uneducated with this election. So much, that most informed us that they had no intention or desire to vote. That being said, students, this is my call to arms, to get out and vote.

This semester has stressed me out a lot, as we have the biggest election in modern history amongst us. This election will determine the fate of our country for the next four to eight years, or, depending whom comes into office, an unforeseen end of what may come. This matter is dear to me, and it definitely should be to you, as it affects not just you, but your generations to come, including your kids and grandkids.

Let me make this clear. When you turn up to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016, you’re not just voting for your presidential candidate; you are also voting for state and local leaders. Also, I know it is a concern that one may not be aware of the policies and procedures that a said candidate wants to incorporate. However, that’s where some quick research, or political affiliation comes into play.

Students, I honestly want this to be quick and easy; it is your due citizenship to vote. If you wake up Tuesday, not knowing which to vote for, do NOT vote for the lesser of two evils. Vote for who’s the best of your personal interest; emphasize the best. If the best is not there, vote no one for the presidency, but make sure to put your vote in for state and local leaders.

This will affect items such as tuition increases, what gets legalized or failed on a state level (marijuana, gay marriage, state taxes… etc.…) and any other procedures. Voting is important, even if you leave a section blank.