2012 Election

schedule 10 min read

An Introduction

It is a longstanding tradition of news publications to endorse a presidential candidate leading up to the election. Some endorse the person that they feel most accurately aligns with their readership while others simply endorse whom represents the feelings of their staff.

We feel that publically putting our name behind one person does a disservice to those on staff and within our readership that may disagree with our choice. Our constitution guarantees our freedom of speech and we have decided to let our staff share their own opinions and ideas rather than appoint one for them.

To be completely honest, our demographic at the paper leans conservative by a large margin. It may be slightly less significant than the statewide numbers, but the majority of those in Utah Valley, including students, lean towards Governor Romney in the upcoming election.

Even though the easy thing to do would be to endorse the Governor, and if push came to shove, we most likely would, we feel it is important to protect the rights of those who have a different point of view. To restrict the voice of those who support the president would not adhere to our countries values and principles, therefore, we are presenting to you the endorsements or thoughts on the current state of politics from our editors and their assistants.

Please take these remarks for what they are intended, only an outlet to express our own personal views and opinions. We are in no way attempting to sway your vote to align with a specific ideal or party, please do your own research and vote your conscience.


Alex Rivera

Assistant Sports Editor

This election year is the first time I get to vote. It’s been eye-opening to go into it without any real knowledge of politics. But it also has been disheartening to see the amount of passion certain people have towards their choice of president. I know who I’m voting for but for fear of how Facebookers and Tweetheads (is that a thing?) are going to react, I’ll keep my voice silent and let my pen do the talking this coming Election Day. God Bless America, ya’ll!



Joshua Wartena

Assistant News Editor

I am an equal-opportunity despiser of political parties, campaigns and endorsements; I hate them all.

Logically, when individuals “campaign,” I imagine they identifying problems they perceive, how they intend to remedy said issues and honestly communicating an ideology to garner votes from intelligent, mature adults.

In reality, “campaigning” seems to consist of posturing, advertising and using rhetoric to discredit your opponent. Political races bear more resemblance to high-school elections for student-body government than to voting for appointments to the most powerful positions in the world.

That is why watching or participating in political events makes me ill. I have the same queasiness watching a presidential debate as I do watching an episode of “Jersey Shore.” Both are embarrassing, and I eventually turn off the TV.

Give us politicians of character, who desire to create a better country, individuals willing to sacrifice their time and effort to improve the lives of their fellow-citizens. Give us honest men and women who will stand up for what they believe and take responsibility for their actions. Give us moral politicians whom we can trust.

Sadly, the decadent state of the government is the fault of America at large.

Cal Thomas said, “In a free society, government reflects the soul of its people. If people want change at the top, they will have to live in different ways.”

That rings true to me. If I really want things to change, I need to change how I live; we all do, or this is going to continue in a deplorable course toward ruin.

The Declaration of Independence, an earth-shattering document by all respects, states, “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.”

What is needed is not a bloody revolution of arms, but a peaceful revolution of the hearts of individuals and communities desiring something better.



Kyrie Hulick

Assistant news editor

I believe in taxes. I believe that doctors, teachers and security are worth chipping in for. I believe if an individual or company has more money than they need, it is not only their privilege but their duty to use those resources to make this country better. We’re not broke – we just need to learn to share. I also believe in the power of support, that a country undivided and without enmity of parties is both stronger and happier. I love my country, but I also love Earth, and I will stand behind whoever becomes president as long as they strive to improve both. I know my vote matters.


Cameron Simek

Opinions Editor

I am probably going to vote for president Obama. The question has been asked, “Are you better off then you were four years ago?” I felt like that was one of the more important questions mentions during this political season. Because it really puts Obama’s term into perspective. I really am doing better now than I was four years ago. Is Obama personally responsible, I don’t know, but I know I am better off. It also helps his case that I am a walking medical emergency, so Obamacare is nice. Pre-existing condition coverage is great for me. I believe Obama has earned another four years. Let’s hope he uses them well if he gets them.


Faith Heaton Jolley

Assistant Opinions Editor

I have been very invested in this election cycle. Perhaps, it is because I am writing a thesis project about Mitt Romney and his religion so I have paid more attention to him and the whole political campaign. Perhaps, it is because I am working for KSL.com and so I have to write and research the latest news, politics and debate coverage.

Whatever the reason, I have paid way more attention to the presidential candidates of 2012. And with the information that I have received, I have decided to pledge my devotion to Mitt Romney and here are a few reasons why I am voting for him.

1. He has good experience and follows through with what he says. Mitt Romney told people that he would help make the 2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympics a success for the state and its economy and he did just that. He helped turn what people orignially thought was a “scandal” into a huge financial benefit for Utah.

2. He values hardwork and doesn’t promote welfare and handouts because of the negative effect it has on our economy. He knows how to run a profitable business and realizes that everyone has to pitch in and work hard to make it successful. He realizes that Obamacare would ruin our healthcare system because it wouldn’t promote incentives to progress in the industry.

I have confidence that Romney will follow through with his policies and that he will help to turn our economy around and let the U.S. progress again



Melissa Lindsey

Assistant Opinions Editor

I’ve noticed a trend among young voters – they choose not to vote. This decision might stem from the lack of confidence they have in their political knowledge and opinions. I can sympathize with this reason, but this year I have tried to change my outlook. Although the level of my knowledge regarding this year’s politicians is not as high as I would like it to be, I believe that I still have a responsibility to vote. Even if the amount of research I have done may not be as extensive as the next voter, at the end of the day, I do have an opinion and I should voice it. I hope that other students who may be feeling this same way will gain enough confidence in their opinion and vote in this year’s presidential election.



Kevin Olsen

Sports Editor

I have to admit, one of the big things that attracted me to sports writing was the freedom to write about, well…not politics. That’s not to say that sports isn’t political, of course it is. Just in a different way.

I have a hard time keeping up with what a candidate said at one point in his or her campaign and when they contradicted themselves at another. It’s exhausting. I’m one of those guys that keep quite when it comes to Facebook political posts or group discussions about our country’s foregin agenda. Even if I did share what I thought about politics, my ignorance or lack of knowledge in an issue would certainly be exposed and I’d end up with my foot in my mouth.

Don’t misinterpret me, however. I find complete satisfaction and education in listeing to others discuss political issues. Serioulsy, I do. I often learn the most and gather my own beliefs when I can hear others discuss their opinions and worries. There are a great deal of things that are imporntant to me in this nation. No, not issues like: will the Lakers pre-season flaws be carried into the regular season?

My biggest concern when I go to vote, aside from our economy, will be education. I pay for my education here at UVU from scholarships and a Pell Grant through the government. If I don’t have these, than I simply don’t go to school. There is no way I could afford it. I want to know that these will be available to me and that the amount won’t change. My education is is my highest priortiy right now. Without it I can’t do what I love to support a family I will cherish.



Vanessa Perkins

Managing Editor

Regardless of who wins this election, there are several issues that our future president must address with swiftness. The first, obviously being our economy, but beyond that, the topic of immigration is something that is very important and has been ignored long enough.

There are millions of undocumented individuals in the United States who wonder every single day what their fate will be, and many undocumented children who have to deal with the fact that they may not have any future in the U.S. upon finishing high school.

We focus on issues like abortion and gay marriage, and though those issues are important, we need to bring immigration back into the spotlight.

I don’t know who will win this election, and honestly, I’m still not quite sure who is the better candidate yet, but I have high expectations for whoever wins hope that they won’t obliterate whatever hope I have in them.

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