Decadence Cafe Review

Decadence Cafe is a lovely bistro that has been around for about 2 years, just off 1600 North and State Street in Orem. It looks like your average coffee shop but with a catch-they don’t brew coffee they brew cocoa beans to make espresso and brewed hot chocolate. With this concept they were able to replace most popular coffee drinks with their Crio Brü roasted cocoa blends, which they get from a locally owned company. They are a locally owned independent business as well, and almost all their products are sourced in Utah from other local businesses.
The look and feel of the cafe is that of any independent coffee shop but with quirky menu items and spunky staff. The place is fun to go to and stay awhile, but if you’re not in the mood to sit and drink, there is a drive through where you can order as many cupcakes and Crio’s for yourself as you want and devour them all. If you’re not into the super sweet, they do have brewed cocoa that has a bitter taste to it, similar to coffee, and with a little cream and sugar could replace the drink entirely if one pleases. Each cup of Crio Brü or shot of espresso has it’s own heath benefits including low calories, carbs, no fat, sugar, sodium or gluten. Keep in mind, though, that if you add cream and sugar, it will lose half of those benefits, but it’s totally worth it. Go for a run later; embrace a Crio Frappe with every ounce…
Stop by for a Pumpkin Spice latte, or a signature Crio Frappe with hints of coconut and vanilla. They have over a dozen varieties of locally made ice creams in exotic flavors, as well as spicy cupcakes and delicate desserts. Most come for the sweet treats but there are sandwiches and chips available, as well as alternative menu items. The price of the drinks and desserts are lower than Starbucks by a fraction, but totally worth it. The atmosphere is great for couples, singles or if you just want to read a book and sip a classy drink.
Photos by Laura Fox