Food & Care Coalition to host first Faces of Poverty Soup-posium

The Food & Care Coalition, a non-profit organization that is an innovator in seeking and finding permanent solutions to poverty issues in Provo, will be hosting the first Faces of Poverty “Soup” Posium. The event will take place Thursday, April 2nd, 2009 in the Utah Valley University Grande Ballroom and will start at 6 p.

schedule 2 min read

The Food & Care Coalition, a non-profit organization that is an innovator in seeking and finding permanent solutions to poverty issues in Provo, will be hosting the first Faces of Poverty “Soup” Posium. The event will take place Thursday, April 2nd, 2009 in the Utah Valley University Grande Ballroom and will start at 6 p.m. The event is a part of UVolunteer Week at UVU and its purpose is to bring awareness to the different faces of poverty and to raise money for the Food & Care Coalition.

With the help of the Food & Care Coalition, the UVU Service Council and a group of six students who have been helping the Coalition by providing marketing and public relations services for their UVU Wolverine PR Firm class are looking for a way to make a difference in the community.

“There are many faces to poverty, there’s not just one stereotype of person who’s homeless,” said Courtney Killpack, Account Executive of UVU Wolverine PR Firm. “Many of the people who go to the Food & Care Coalition are people who look and act just like us.”

Making ends meet has been a challenge for the Food & Care Coalition. “With the struggling economy people are less inclined to donate money, which in the end hurts important causes like the Coalition,” said Brent Crane, Executive Director of the Food & Care Coalition. “This is why it’s so important to get students involved, because they tend to show interest and care about important issues like this one.”

Crane will speak and another guest speaker will give an inspirational message about her trials of being homeless for seven years and how the Food & Care Coalition was able to help get her life back.

Meal tickets will be available through Campus Connection for $3 and $5 at the door. Soup, bread and a drink will be provided and a greater understanding of the Food & Care Coalition. All proceeds generated will be donated to the Coalition.

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