Construction on campus

The round nook in the west corner of the Utah Valley University library will be closed for construction until October while construction crews build frames for incoming stained glass. Regular glass will serve as placeholders, and over the next two or three years, the frames of glass will be replaced one by one with panels of stained glass created by local artist Tom Holdman.
The panels are a gift to celebrate UVU’s 75th anniversary that is scheduled to be completed in September 2017. The artwork, entitled “Roots of Knowledge,” will be a total of 80 separate panels and reflect various times throughout history: mammoths, pyramids, the Age of Enlightenment, the Industrial Age, The first three panels are already in place, depicting the world’s oldest tree.
Sayings from each time period, in their original language, will be worked into the artwork as well.
Along with the stained glass, an application is being developed that will give students access to information and video of the story of the creation of each portion. The app will also translate text into English and various other languages. A curriculum is also being developed around the piece.
“There is a tremendous educational aspect to the whole piece,” said Ross Wolfley, Holdman’s attorney, who is also working with Lee Groberg on a PBS documentary of the artwork.
The classroom building to the north of the library is on schedule and construction is anticipated to be completed the beginning of October, at which time furniture and interior décor can be moved in.
“We hope to have some classes on level two for spring term. Second block, we hope most of the classrooms are ready,” said Frank Young, associate vice president of facilities at UVU.
Tiffany Frandsen | News Editor | @Tiffany_mf