To house all of the items needed to survive what- ever may come, you’ll need a good, sturdy bag. Without a good bag, you run the risk of losing or damaging the items you pack. For this reason, it’s worth investing in a good bag. Everything I have fits within a 55 liter bag, but this will change from person to person.
Pack enough food to survive at least 72 hours. Canned food, noodles or emergency rations all work. To ensure longevity, I am sure to its expiration date before packing it away and forgetting about.
To cook the food, I include a small camp stove, fuel and small pot. The pot is used as a container when packing my gear to consolidate space.
The most important tool to include in a survival bag is good a knife. I also include an additional knife, small leatherman and a hatchet. I pack these so that they are easily accessible.
Paracord has many uses, from shelter building to snare setting, so I am sure to pack a few hundred feet of it.
Within a waterproof bag (from a company called Locsak), I keep plastic bags, tin foil, heavy-duty garbage bags, toilet paper and duct tape. Each
of these items is both versatile and critical for comfort and survival.
In another Locsak I keep a field guide. It includes instructions for building a shelter, descriptions of edibles plants, and much more. I also include a moleskin notebook and pencil in this bag.
Seeing is critical. For this, I keep a flashlight and headlamp for the night and a pair of binoculars for the day. Extra batteries for the flashlights ensure they will maintain usefulness.
Fire provides warmth in the cold, light in the dark and energy for cooking. I keep lint (for tinder), matches and a lighter in a plastic bag to ensure they stay dry. I also have a firesteel attached to my knife to give me access to fire whenever
I need it.
Inside a first aid kit, I keep bandages, medication, scissors, and other miscellaneous items that may prove useful in a survival situation.
Instead of packing a tent, which is both heavy and large, I pack a medium sized tarp and emergency bivvy. This combination will keep me sheltered from the elements and provide warmth while taking only a fraction of the space that even a small tent would.
A good pair of boots is an important piece of survival gear. I keep my Meindl Ultra-Lights waterproofed and polished up for any apocalyptic events that may occur.
To keep warm and dry, I pack an insulated down jacket and a waterproof jacket.
A good base layer will keep you warm during cold nights and a wool blanket will do so even when its wet.
Without water a person will die in 3 days. To carry this precious resource, I pack a Nalgene bottle and a collapsable Platypus bottle that car- ries 2 liters of liquid.
Water that has been collected from a river or lake needs to be purified before drinking. For this,
I pack Potable Aqua, which is added to water already stored in a container and a filtration straw that will allow you to drink straight from a poten- tially contaminated source.
Howard Bannon / HEX Writer