Arts building approved by the legislature

March 11, 2016

Reading Time: 2 minutes At the conclusion of the 2016 legislative session the $32 million dollars needed for the arts building was approved by the legislature. UVU will receive money for the building over the next two years. Architectural plans will be completed this fall and the groundbreaking for the facility is projected to happen in November. “We believe […]

Animal rights activists target UCCU circus

February 8, 2016

Reading Time: 2 minutes Photo credit: Preston Yardley   Students from the Animal Allies club protested the Jordan World Circus last week saying they believe the circus animals are mistreated. As circus-goers arrived at the North entrance of the UCCU Center they were greeted by a line of protesters holding signs with slogans such as “Circuses Hurt Animals” and “Elephants […]

$20 million in private funds announced for new arts building

February 4, 2016

Reading Time: 2 minutes Photo credit: Collin Cooper | Photo Senior Staff | @coop.97 President Holland announced Feb. 3 that the school has raised $20 million in private funding to build the new center of the arts building that was proposed in 2014. The initiative began with the goal of raising $15 million. Through the generosity of the Ray […]

Holland: Utah Valley University is 75 years strong

January 29, 2016

Reading Time: 2 minutes Photo credit: Collin Cooper | Photo Senior Staff | @coop.97   During his seventh State of the University address Jan. 26, President Matthew S. Holland celebrated the 75th anniversary of the institution. “If the main purpose of our institution is student success. Then when it comes to the state of the university, I say that […]

75th anniversary year brings a slew of events

January 29, 2016

Reading Time: 2 minutes   This January marks the beginning of the 75th anniversary year of Utah Valley University, and much of the year’s events on and off campus revolve around the idea of ‘75 years of strength’. Officially, the precise anniversary lands on the first day of class of the fall semester in 2016, leading to a large […]

Law enforcement officials answer important questions

January 19, 2016

Reading Time: 2 minutes   Photo credit: Julie Ostler | Assistant Photo Editor | @jules1lo   January’s Pizza and Politics event gave students the opportunity to ask Keith Squires, Utah’s Commissioner of Public Safety, and Utah County Sheriff James Tracy, questions about local law enforcement. Tracy said it was a great opportunity for them to find out what students […]

LDS handbook policy has real-life affect on students

November 16, 2015

Reading Time: 4 minutes When Kasey Johnson and her wife heard about the LDS handbook policy change they were stunned and began looking into whether or not it was a rumor or if the church had legitimately issued it. “When we found out that it had, the dialogue between us was surrounding the fact that we have three children […]

LDS handbook leak creates stir on social media

November 6, 2015

Reading Time: 2 minutes Carrie Laudie | Editor in Chief Policy changes for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints listed in Handbook 1, a resource used for lay clergy in the church, were leaked on Thursday, Nov. 5. The document was posted on the Facebook page of John Dehlin, a former member of the LDS church and creator […]