Women’s Success Center honored judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg with film screening

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one of the most known Supreme Court judges in American society. But she is more than her duties at the court. The film “RBG: Hero, Icon, Dissenter” was presented at the Fulton Library by the Women’s Success Center on Oct. 4 to show the impact that Ginsburg had on the lives of many minorities, especially women.

Assistant director of the center, Jolene Merica, read a few highlighting quotes from the book “Notorious RBG” as an introduction to the movie.

“When we decided to bring this movie to campus, we didn’t know how timely it would be. As a quote from the book that two millennials have written, it says in the foreword ‘RBG has been extraordinary throughout her life.’ As the Women’s Success Center we want to highlight and support the lives of women who understand the walk between being passionate about work and about family.”

The film displayed the steady career of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was a supreme court judge for 85 years after being nominated by Bill Clinton in 1993. Ginsburg is known for some dissents that have gained her recognition and popularity in pop culture. She started as a lawyer, graduated Columbia Law School in 1959 as the only girl in her class with around 50 men, and worked her way up with gender biased cases until she was the second woman sitting at federal bench. During her career, Ginsburg had a major focus on making citizens aware of the unequal rights between genders. The film had a diverse range of sources, including her children, lawyers she worked with and Bill Clinton. They described her various sides, from the small and reserved woman to the furious fighter at court.

The reason why the center chose to show the RBG movie was summarised by the claim “See it. Be it.” by the coordinator Rachel Sanders and she explained why.

“The Women’s Success Center exists because we want to help women graduate. Ruth Bader Ginsburg also found her success in education,” Sanders said. “We want to show what impact a graduation can have, and when life gets challenging, as RBG also had to overcome obstacles, to keep up and do not stop fighting for your rights.”

The atmosphere at the screening was a feeling of inspiration. A round of applause after the movie ended and the discussions among the audience about RBG’s live and the impact on young college women spoke for themselves.

The film left a lasting impression on many young college women, including Stacy Mickelson, a communicating health major.

“I wanted to learn more about RBG. The movie was very inspirational for me. She is the perfect example to keep fighting for what your beliefs are in.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is still a judge on the Supreme Court and she wishes to be there as long as her mental health allows her to fulfill her duties, even though she has overcome physical issues, such as cancer, twice. As one of her friends in the documentary said, she is not done fighting.