Looking Through Google GLASS

Google’s newest venture, GLASS, a thin “lens-less” band, will be made available in 2014 to the public.
Many have already tested GLASS during the year for a nice price of around $1,500; Google expects the price, upon release, to be much less expensive.
“Its next-generation product that’s best described as a cross between a pair sunglasses and a smartphone,” Jacob Demmit, reporter of Roanoke times, said.
GLASS has a high-resolution display, hands free video of 720p and photos of 5MP. GLASS has the ability to carry 16 GB Flash memory, but because GLASS will sync to your Google Drive in the cloud, users will use about 12 GB of memory.
Unlike many smartphones or “smart” devices, the battery life is expected to house one full day of typical use.
Since GLASS’ rumored concept in 2012, many in the tech community have overjoyed for its appearance.
“Yeah, I’d like to get [it].” Jon Dyer, a junior at UVU in the tech field, said.
A controversial aspect of GL?SS is that it will import information by recording its surroundings with or without the owner’s approval.
For the public’s sake, it was made known when Google GLASS was in fact recording. Like with any camera, a small light will appear and remain for video recording or taking a picture.
Many apps for GL?SS are already underway, which include the New York Times newspaper app, travel, business, and things that may include shopping.
There are many apps that could cause fear, but according to Kaitlyn Anderson, a UVU freshman, privacy from GLASS really isn’t an issue.
“People might be more aware because of Google GLASS,” Anderson said. “But I think it’ll be the same.”