Student Excellence Awards
Presented to students who have distinguished themselves through excellence in scholarship or outstanding service to The College of Technology and Computing.
Students are nominated by faculty and staff in their respective areas of study.
Administrative Information
Alma C. Leavitt
Automotive Technology:
Payden Walker
Building Construction:
Steven G. Nelson
Building Inspection Technology:
Jared L. Young
Business Marketing Education:
Melissa K. Jewett
Cabinetry/Architectural Wood
Brandon Beckstead
Collision Repair Technology:
Gavin L. Johnson
Computer Science:
Ryan Justus
Construction Management:
Michael S. Wood
Culinary Arts Institute:
Leann Pointer
Diesel Mechanics Technology:
Dustin Boyack
Digital Media:
Joshua T. Badger
Electrical Automation & Robotic Technology:
Bryan J. Wilson
Engineering Graphics & Design Technology:
Elsa M. Arias-Avila
Facilities Management:
Loren B. Page
Information Systems :
Jonathan Daniels
Information Technology:
Shawn Anderson
Nicholas L. Wardell
Mechatronics Technology:
Nathan C. Tenney
Joel C. Yellowhorse
Technology Management:
Kenney Davis