Everything you need to know about the testing center

The UVU Testing Center is actively looking for ways to streamline efficiency and minimize hassle when it comes to taking tests. For students unfamiliar with the TC, we have some do’s and don’ts to help you stress less about an already stressful task.
First, it is strongly recommended that students get as much information about their tests prior to taking them. Know your class name, the instructor’s name, the course number and the test number. This assists testing center employees in finding the correct test quickly.
In addition to this, knowing everything you can about the logistics of tests also helps you know when, (and when not) to go to the Testing Center. With UVU’s vast amount of students, lines tend to be quite long at times.
To combat this, the Testing Center has implemented a “Live Line-Cam” for students to easily check for congestion. This is strongly recommended to use for students thinking of test taking times, and can be found on the UVU Testing Center’s website.
A Government issued picture ID is also required upon taking your test, so be sure to bring your UVU ID, driver’s license, or passport. Next, written tests require a #2 pencil. For those who forget one, pencils can be purchased for $0.25.
Testing fees are set up on a scale to allow students to manage their own testing situations. This system provides the option to test for free, (during a specified time-frame), or pay after the time-frame is up. After the first third (?) of the testing period, the $4.00 fee will begin. Your instructor will decide how long a test is offered in the CTC, which will determine non-fee timeframes.
All charges must be paid in either cash or card. There is an ATM available in the building that dispenses $1’s, $5’s, and $10’s. Our advice; if possible, save some money and take your test within the first third of the allotted test period. Students can also look up their tests schedule and scores online by logging in to their Chi Account using their UVID and password.
Acceptable Aides
Scratch Paper: If you want to be guaranteed scratch paper, our suggestion is to bring your own, since the TC tends to run out. Only 2 pieces are supplied per student per test. Be advised that all scratch paper gets collected after testing.
Blue Books: Although the UVU Bookstore sells green books, only testing center issued blue books are allowed for testing. Blue books must be purchased at the time of testing at the price of $0.50 for large books, or $0.25 for small books. Only cash is accepted for these purchases.
Calculators: The only calculators allowed in the testing center are four-function, scientific, financial, and graphing. However, the instructor will inform of approved calculators ahead of test time. One last note, CTC employees do not teach students how to use calculators.
Textbooks: For those allowed to use textbooks during tests, they will be subject to inspection before check-in, so the removal of all loose papers or notes from the textbook is required. Electronic textbooks may be printed out beforehand but should be hole-punched and put in a binder.
Assistive Tech
To accommodate students with special needs, the testing center provides assistive technology. Available to students documented by the UVU Accessibility Services Department, this tech includes: smart pens, noise cancelling headphones, TV screen text enlarger, and DRAGON naturally speaking software. Be advised, to coordinate testing arrangements with the Accommodative Testing Center, students must arrange the scheduling of exams, exam drop-offs, and cover any fees that may be associated with the test.
Prohibited Behavior
As most can imagine, tests must be closely monitored to ensure scores are as accurate as possible. With that having said, the testing center has a list of prohibited behaviors and items.
First, the removal of tests or testing materials from the Testing Center is viewed as cheating and such is reported to the instructor, the Dean of Student Life and Campus Police. Obviously, this can result in major disciplinary action, so testing materials should stay at the testing center.
Secondly, the testing center allows no food or drink other than water in their testing rooms, so if you need to get a drink or eat a snack, raise your hand and the proctor will escort you out of the room.
Third, all electronic devices, including but not limited to, cell phones, tablets, laptops, and pagers etc., must be powered off before entering the Testing Center and placed into a bag. They will ask you if you have a cell phone or smart watch prior to letting you into any testing rooms, so save yourself the time and turn any electronic devices prior to reaching the testing desks. If your phone goes off or is used, a $10 fee may be charged for disrupting the test room. If a student is found using phones or electronics while testing, their test will be terminated.
Finally, if you need to use the restroom while testing, raise your hand and the proctor will escort you out of the room. No testing/personal items are allowed with you into the restroom.
While the Classroom Testing Center understands the stress students go through leading up to, and during test taking, they strive to provide the best service to all students at all times. They simply ask that students know and follow the rules.
For fall and spring semesters TC hours are Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., and Saturday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Tests are collected by closing time, so students should be conscious of test taking times.
For students looking to learn more about the procedures and policies of the UVU Testing Center, call (801) 863-8269, or visit their website.
Photo courtesy of UVU Marketing Dept.