My Word! release party goes luxe

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Image courtesy of Touchstones

Twice a year, Touchstones, the English department’s student-run literary journal, hosts a release party called My Word! to present its latest edition. This year, however, it is sure to be a step above previous semesters.

After Touchstones staff worked closely with Culinary Arts Institute’s Todd Leonard, the department agreed to cater the event for nearly half of their usual fee. Touchstones staff members are extremely exited to have the Culinary Arts Institute on their side.

“I’m grateful to everyone who’s helped make this work, to the writers and artists who submitted work, the readers, staff members, our faculty advisory, Scott Hatch, and to the people at the Culinary Arts department who are generously providing food for our launch party.” said Matt Sievers, Editor-in-Chief for the fall 2010 edition.

The first issue of the Touchstones was published in 1997 with Dr. Laura Hamblin leading the way. The journal publishes student’s works of prose, poetry, art and photography. At My Word!, the latest edition of the journal is available for purchase, art from the journal is displayed and students who were published read their pieces. Prizes are presented to first, second and third place winners in the categories of prose, poetry and art.

But besides the event providing great entertainment, the food promises to be delicious. UVU culinary arts students prepare the food catered by the Culinary Arts Institute. They have served at many campus events, like the annual Presidential Scholarship Ball. Culinary Arts students also run a reservation-only restaurant called Greg’s Restaurant, located in the UCCU Events Center.

“I am eagerly anticipating My Word!,” said Michael Brown, PR manager of Touchstones. “This is going to be a tremendously fun event.”

My Word! is at 7 p.m. on Nov. 30 in the UVU Student Center, rooms 206 A and B.

For more information on Touchstones, visit or find them on Facebook under Touchstones Journal. For more information on the Culinary Arts Institute, visit

My Word! is at 7 p.m. on Nov. 30 in the UVU Student Center, rooms 206 A and B.

For more information on Touchstones, visit or find them on Facebook under Touchstones Journal.