Wonder of the Windy City

November 4, 2012

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Wichita sports scene sucks, we all know that. But if you grew up in Wichita or any one of the country-bumpkin towns in the surrounding area, the massive metropolis is an elongated and stretched-to-the-max heart-string that can easily be plucked. I grew up all over the country so my favorite teams drape all the […]

Tech Beat: IPad mini

November 4, 2012

Reading Time: 2 minutes The release of the iPad mini was quieter than the release of the much awaited iPhone 5 only a month previous. Many thought it was simply a rumor, something to think about while their Christmas iPhone lingered in the mail…

A first Halloween

November 4, 2012

Reading Time: 2 minutes Halloween is an interesting holiday for those who haven’t experienced it before.