Worst. Pollution. Ever.

January 25, 2010

Reading Time: 2 minutes There are now two ways in which Utah resembles a third world country. The first is our well-documented birthrate; the highest in the nation. But this month we managed to set ourselves apart yet again by showing the rest of the nation that we may only be the thirty-fourth most populated state in the country […]

The lane less traveled

December 8, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes These days when someone encourages you to give up driving in favor of riding a bicycle, they usually bathe their argument in rhetoric about breaking dependence on foreign oil and stopping global climate change. Worthy arguments. Unfortunately, people are rarely motivated by moralistic calls to action. Plus, your individual choice not to drive a car […]

Letters from the wasteland

November 23, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Writers like Edward Abbey and Terry Tempest Williams have changed the view of deserts as wastelands to one of wonder and beauty. But there are some who would like to return the desert to its wasteland status. As the folks from the Appalachian Mountains know all too well, there is no better way to destroy […]

Snowbird supporting dirty coal

September 28, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Dick Bass, owner of the Snowbird Ski Resort, is currently involved in a proposal to create the second largest strip mine in the U.S.  The company responsible for the project, PacRim Coal LLC, of which Bass is a co-owner, is the driving force behind plans to eviscerate and pollute large tracts of Alaskan wilderness. According […]