Nickels, dimes, arms and legs

December 7, 2015

Reading Time: 2 minutes This January, I will enter my tenth year of college. Yes, you read correctly, ten years in school. So believe me when I say that I, more than anyone, hate how much school costs, and all of the associated fees. Tuition, lab fees, student fees, and that damn $400 book that is specific to the […]

Why being a Wolverine is objectively better than being a Cougar

November 30, 2015

Reading Time: 2 minutes The best and worst of being a student at UVU Over the last ten years, I have had solid experiences at most of the universities and colleges in the state, from enrollment to being a part of college student government. Through those experiences, I’ve been able to evaluate which schools are awesome, and which ones […]

Coming home to no home

November 16, 2015

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Utah Valley housing crisis The LDS Church lowered the minimum age for missionary service October 2012 from 19 to 18 for men and from 21 to 19 for women. This resulted in a swift increase of missionaries from 58,990 at the time of the announcement to the current 85,147. The change certainly made ripples […]

Happy Valley Cuddles

November 9, 2015

Reading Time: 2 minutes Being from Salt Lake and now living in Orem, I find that the stereotype of Utah County and Salt Lake County as completely different worlds has definitely proved itself true. For example, we did not have things like “Happy Valley Cuddles” in Salt Lake. Now, don’t get me wrong here, I had more NCMO’s than […]