Five ways to save money on campus

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Needless to say, money is a luxury on a shoestring student budget. As students, we look for any and every way to save.

We fill out scholarships, beg parents and take one or two jobs to stay afloat. Sometimes we just need a little help with some necessary and some lavish accessories that don’t come by very often.

UVU has many services that will assist you in saving money, so you’re not maxing out your (or your parents’) credit cards.

1.Have you ever just wanted to zone out after a tedious day of classes to one of your favorite classic movies or a recent release that you’ve been dying to see? You look over at your minimalist collection only to see that you have watched every one about half a dozen times in the last month.


The second floor media collection can help satisfy those cravings with hundreds of new and old movies. From “Casablanca” and “Citizen Kane” to “The Avengers” and “Warm Bodies,” the Library has what you need to keep sane this semester and beyond.

2. Understandably, not everyone can afford laptops for $500-$1000. But for $30 you can get your hands on a Lenovo or Dell laptop to type those papers. There’s no due date. Take it as long as you need it.

3.Speaking of burning holes in pockets, nothing is as notorious as getting hold of textbooks.

Another service the Library has is their collection of textbooks that are absolutely free to checkout for two hours at a time. Even though they don’t have every single textbook that your classes may require, they have core classes and many upper division textbooks for you to rent. This information might have been more helpful a few weeks back, but it may not be too late to return those textbooks you have already purchased in order to take advantage of this free opportunity.

4.One utility that has been overlooked by many is computer repair services. If you’re having problems with your Mac or PC, this service can help you straighten out what’s bugging your computer. Some services are free, such as consultation, full system diagnostics, software install and removal. Other services, such as virus removal, malware scans and cleaning, data recovery and CD/DVD copying have a small fee ($30-$50). Compared to other services, this is more than a bargain; it’s a steal.

5. Nothing is more important than socializing when it comes to college. Whether it’s a weekly date, or a girls’ night out, it’s essential to get out and get to know more people and become part of the university.

UVU has many events throughout the year for you to enjoy. There are basketball games, Green-Out Dances, concerts, theater productions and club activities, and there are various cheap ways to fill those would-be lonely nights with memorable experiences.

By thinking out of the box, penny-pinching doesn’t have to be as hard as we have been making it.