7 reasons you wake up tired

Reading Time: 3 minutes What about those days when you go to bed early after a healthy homemade dinner, get the solid eight hours of snooze time and still wake up the next morning tired?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Some mornings you know exactly why you have woken up with bags under your eyes and the feeling like you haven’t slept a wink. Maybe you were up late the night before or you had one drink too many, but nothing that can’t be solved with a solid night’s rest the next night, right? But what about those days when you go to bed early after a healthy homemade dinner, get the solid eight hours of snooze time and still wake up the next morning tired?

If you keep finding yourself exhausted in the morning, there may be a problem with your bedroom, your habits or your health. Here are seven possible reasons that you might not have considered.

Not getting quality shuteye

As in many other things, when it comes to sleep, quality matters just as much as quantity. Maybe you are sleeping with a pet who takes up too much space, having caffeine too late in the day or you live above a noisy bar. Quality counts.

Too many meds

Some medications can cause drowsiness that will last until the following morning. Check the labels of your bottles and see if drowsiness is listed as a side effect. You can also do some Google investigating. If you think you might be tired from your medications, talk to your doctor and see if he or she can change your dosage or prescription.

You keep waking up to use the bathroom

The National Sleep Foundation estimates that as many as 65 percent of adults lose sleep because of nighttime bathroom trips. If this happens to you, eliminate liquids for the last three hours of the day before you go to sleep. Try to drink less coffee and tea, too, as they have acids that can irritate your bladder. Alcohol also has negative side effects of this nature.

Watching too much television

If you like to watch television or use a computer, smartphone or tablet before bed, you might want to cut the habit. The bright screens can disrupt your body’s circadian rhythms. Essentially all modern screens emit a blue light that scientists have found to be particularly problematic for sleep cycles. Try reading a book instead.

Waking up in a non-REM phase

Our bodies sleep in cycles and the best time to wake up is in the middle of rapid eye movement sleep. If you wake up during a non-REM phase, it will be while you were sleeping lightly and you won’t feel as well-rested.

Your body clock is out of whack

Your body needs a chance to get used to a habit. If you go to sleep and wake up at different hours each day, your body won’t be able to adjust. Keep a regular sleep schedule and your body will respond. You will wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated instead of sluggish and groggy.

A medical condition

If you are constantly waking up groggy, you might have a condition like sleep apnea that can disrupt your rest. An obstructed airway can cause snoring and other forms of sleep disruption. Depression can also lead to a feeling of lethargy. If your problem is persistent, consult with your doctor.


About the Author

Elena Morgan has been writing about sleep solutions and reviewing Unison’s bedding collections for nearly 10 years. When she’s not writing, Elena enjoys organic gardening and cooking Thai food.