A newbie’s guide to the UVU bookstore

Reading Time: 3 minutes

With the many costs of fall semester looming ahead, the last thing students need is expensive course materials and the struggle to find them. Luckily, the UVU Bookstore has been preparing for the large influx of students and has ways to minimize student expenditures.

While walking into the bookstore, notice that half of the space is filled with textbooks. No matter the class, its required material should be offered. The books are organized by course and section, so with a class schedule, finding the needed material won’t be difficult.

Without a schedule in hand, finding each necessary book becomes more difficult. Bookstore employees are more than willing to assist; nonetheless, too much time will be spent searching aimlessly.

Most texts will have a new or used copy to choose from. The new copy will cost 20-30 percent more, so if minimizing expenses are the only concern, a used copy should be ideal. All used copies are in good shape, apart from occasional markings by the previous owner.

A third option is available for some texts offered in e-book format. These books run around 50 percent less than a physical copy without contributing added weight. If a book does come in this format, a card is displayed in front of the printed versions that can be taken to the register. An access code is then emailed and a pdf file becomes available to download.

One more thing to consider is the end-of-semester buyback option. As long as the book is in good condition, and the book will be needed next semester, the bookstore will buy it back for 50 percent of the new price. For obvious reasons, e-book purchases are final, though their cost is the same as a book purchased new and sold back.

For additional savings, the bookstore is offering a 5 percent off sale on August 23, a few days before the first day of classes. All textbooks will be marked down, something that only happens on rare occasions.

One new program offered by the bookstore is its rental system. Selected titles, typically from the more expensive or larger classes, are on hand to rent out for the semester. The program requires information  such as a UV ID and credit card.

After paying the rental fee, the textbook can be used for the allotted time and then returned to the bookstore before the due date. If the book isn’t returned in time, the credit card provided will be charged for another rental cycle until the bookstore has the text in hand.

Near the bookstore entrances are many displays of UVU apparel and other school-related items. Basic school supplies, such as notebooks and pens, or class-specific items such as drafting materials are offered, eliminating the need to trek to an off-campus store. There are also Apple computers and related products on display that are offered at an educational discount.

Sales for many of these items go on throughout the year, providing plenty of opportunity to find some good deals.

With its central location on campus and an organized, consolidated selection of textbooks and supplies, the bookstore is a real asset at the beginning of a semester. There are plenty of other headaches to be had without the hassle of searching online for the right textbook. A resource has been prepared and students may find it convenient.